Save $5.90 on the set of both volumes in this popular series! Includes 578-2 "Musical Principles For The Skeptical Guitarist: Volume One - The Big Picture," and 578-3 "Musical Principles For The Skeptical Guitarist: Volume Two - The Fretboard."
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Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume One-The Big Picture:
The First Approach
Notes and pitches
The layout of the notes
Tuning the guitar
Chords and chord quality
The Big Fifteen chords
Playing in different keys
The 1-4-5 system
C-A-G-E-D examples
Chord Families
The 1 and 5 chords
Songs in different keys
The 1, 4 and 5 chords Songs in different keys
"Silent Night" in all 5 keys
Choosing the right key
Using the capo
Quiz time for the 1-4-5's Finding the starting note
Adding the Minor chords
Songs in the Keys of G and C
"Rhythm Changes" Secondary Dominants Bunches of useful chords (A-G)
The Second Approach
The Chromatic scale
Layout on the neck
The Major scale
The Key of C
Scale degrees and other keys
The Key of G
Worksheet for Major scales
Traveling by Fifths
Major scale summary
The flat keys
The fretboard and the keyboard
Major scale exercises
Back to Chord Families
The C Harmonized Diatonic scale
Major chords versus Minor chords
Four combinations of Thirds Other
Chord Families
Worksheets for Chord Families
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family summary Example: "Morning Has Broken"
Full Chord Family summary
Transposition chart
Details of the 1-4-5 relationship
The Dominant 7th chord
Overlapping Chord Families
Chord substitutions
Triad spellings
My Bio
The Circle of Fifths
More on Secondary Dominants
Examples in the Key of C
Down by a 5th = up by a 4th
Backcycling through all the keys
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family examples
Mixing in the Minor chords
The Jazz Turnaround
"Morning Has Broken" again
Yuletide Backcycling in a the C-A-G-E-D keys Starting notes
Shortcuts in terminology
The 4th of the 4th
Major 7th and Minor 7th chords
Minor keys
C Major versus A Minor
Three kinds of Minor scales
Carols in the Keys of Am, Dm, and Em
Appendix 1: Why the number "five"?
Appendix 2: Key signatures
Volume One in a nutshell
One last quiz
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume Two-The Fretboard:
Reviewing the C Major scale
Chord voicings, starting with C
Adding the 6th string
Skipping strings
Chord tone personalities
Other C-A-G-E-D chord form voicings
Worksheet for other voicings
Back to the G chord form voicings
Comparing the C and G voicings
My own E, A and D voicings
E chord form voicings
The movable E chord form
A chord form voicings
The movable A chord form
Using the E- and A-shapes together
D chord form voicings
Drop D tuning
Summarizing the E-, A- and D-shapes
Chord shapes...our story so far
Complex chord qualities
C complex chord qualities
Adding the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees
Worksheets for G, E, A and D complex chords
Weird little exercise
Chords with the same quality compared
1-4-5 complex chord progressions
The five basic chord shapes
C chord in C, A, G, E and D shapes
The entire tamale
Partial chord shapes
The other C-A-G-E-D chords
6th-string versus 5th-string roots
Bring out your capo!
Capo placement chart
Scale shapes / box patterns
C scale in C, A, G, E and D shapes
C Major scale all over the neck
Traveling from pocket to pocket
Major scales other than C (finally)
Keys of D, Eb, E, F, G, A and Bb
Chord qualities other than Major
Minor chords
Dominant 7th chords
Movable barre chords
Minor 7th chords
Minor 6th chords
Minor sus2 and sus4 chords
Walking chord progressions
Quadrads of the Harmonized Diatonic scale
Exercises and explanations
Worksheet: "Rhythm Changes"
Movable 2-5-1 progressions
Summary of Chord Family quadrads
Oddball Quadrads
Diminished 7th chords
Augmented and Augmented 7th chords
Minor-Major 7th chord
Chromatic walkdown progressions
Quadrad Extensions: 9th, 11th and 13th
C, G, E, A and D quadrad extensions
Sample chord progressions
How to put chords to a melody
"Frere Jacques"
Harmonizing by Thirds, Sixths and Tenths
Combining them in "Frere Jacques"
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume One-The Big Picture:
The First Approach
Notes and pitches
The layout of the notes
Tuning the guitar
Chords and chord quality
The Big Fifteen chords
Playing in different keys
The 1-4-5 system
C-A-G-E-D examples
Chord Families
The 1 and 5 chords
Songs in different keys
The 1, 4 and 5 chords Songs in different keys
"Silent Night" in all 5 keys
Choosing the right key
Using the capo
Quiz time for the 1-4-5's Finding the starting note
Adding the Minor chords
Songs in the Keys of G and C
"Rhythm Changes" Secondary Dominants Bunches of useful chords (A-G)
The Second Approach
The Chromatic scale
Layout on the neck
The Major scale
The Key of C
Scale degrees and other keys
The Key of G
Worksheet for Major scales
Traveling by Fifths
Major scale summary
The flat keys
The fretboard and the keyboard
Major scale exercises
Back to Chord Families
The C Harmonized Diatonic scale
Major chords versus Minor chords
Four combinations of Thirds Other
Chord Families
Worksheets for Chord Families
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family summary Example: "Morning Has Broken"
Full Chord Family summary
Transposition chart
Details of the 1-4-5 relationship
The Dominant 7th chord
Overlapping Chord Families
Chord substitutions
Triad spellings
My Bio
The Circle of Fifths
More on Secondary Dominants
Examples in the Key of C
Down by a 5th = up by a 4th
Backcycling through all the keys
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family examples
Mixing in the Minor chords
The Jazz Turnaround
"Morning Has Broken" again
Yuletide Backcycling in a the C-A-G-E-D keys Starting notes
Shortcuts in terminology
The 4th of the 4th
Major 7th and Minor 7th chords
Minor keys
C Major versus A Minor
Three kinds of Minor scales
Carols in the Keys of Am, Dm, and Em
Appendix 1: Why the number "five"?
Appendix 2: Key signatures
Volume One in a nutshell
One last quiz
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume Two-The Fretboard:
Reviewing the C Major scale
Chord voicings, starting with C
Adding the 6th string
Skipping strings
Chord tone personalities
Other C-A-G-E-D chord form voicings
Worksheet for other voicings
Back to the G chord form voicings
Comparing the C and G voicings
My own E, A and D voicings
E chord form voicings
The movable E chord form
A chord form voicings
The movable A chord form
Using the E- and A-shapes together
D chord form voicings
Drop D tuning
Summarizing the E-, A- and D-shapes
Chord shapes...our story so far
Complex chord qualities
C complex chord qualities
Adding the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees
Worksheets for G, E, A and D complex chords
Weird little exercise
Chords with the same quality compared
1-4-5 complex chord progressions
The five basic chord shapes
C chord in C, A, G, E and D shapes
The entire tamale
Partial chord shapes
The other C-A-G-E-D chords
6th-string versus 5th-string roots
Bring out your capo!
Capo placement chart
Scale shapes / box patterns
C scale in C, A, G, E and D shapes
C Major scale all over the neck
Traveling from pocket to pocket
Major scales other than C (finally)
Keys of D, Eb, E, F, G, A and Bb
Chord qualities other than Major
Minor chords
Dominant 7th chords
Movable barre chords
Minor 7th chords
Minor 6th chords
Minor sus2 and sus4 chords
Walking chord progressions
Quadrads of the Harmonized Diatonic scale
Exercises and explanations
Worksheet: "Rhythm Changes"
Movable 2-5-1 progressions
Summary of Chord Family quadrads
Oddball Quadrads
Diminished 7th chords
Augmented and Augmented 7th chords
Minor-Major 7th chord
Chromatic walkdown progressions
Quadrad Extensions: 9th, 11th and 13th
C, G, E, A and D quadrad extensions
Sample chord progressions
How to put chords to a melody
"Frere Jacques"
Harmonizing by Thirds, Sixths and Tenths
Combining them in "Frere Jacques"
SKU: 578-16SET
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$45 USD
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Experience the Elderly Difference
Save $5.90 on the set of both volumes in this popular series! Includes 578-2 "Musical Principles For The Skeptical Guitarist: Volume One - The Big Picture," and 578-3 "Musical Principles For The Skeptical Guitarist: Volume Two - The Fretboard."
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More Details
More Details
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume One-The Big Picture:
The First Approach
Notes and pitches
The layout of the notes
Tuning the guitar
Chords and chord quality
The Big Fifteen chords
Playing in different keys
The 1-4-5 system
C-A-G-E-D examples
Chord Families
The 1 and 5 chords
Songs in different keys
The 1, 4 and 5 chords Songs in different keys
"Silent Night" in all 5 keys
Choosing the right key
Using the capo
Quiz time for the 1-4-5's Finding the starting note
Adding the Minor chords
Songs in the Keys of G and C
"Rhythm Changes" Secondary Dominants Bunches of useful chords (A-G)
The Second Approach
The Chromatic scale
Layout on the neck
The Major scale
The Key of C
Scale degrees and other keys
The Key of G
Worksheet for Major scales
Traveling by Fifths
Major scale summary
The flat keys
The fretboard and the keyboard
Major scale exercises
Back to Chord Families
The C Harmonized Diatonic scale
Major chords versus Minor chords
Four combinations of Thirds Other
Chord Families
Worksheets for Chord Families
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family summary Example: "Morning Has Broken"
Full Chord Family summary
Transposition chart
Details of the 1-4-5 relationship
The Dominant 7th chord
Overlapping Chord Families
Chord substitutions
Triad spellings
My Bio
The Circle of Fifths
More on Secondary Dominants
Examples in the Key of C
Down by a 5th = up by a 4th
Backcycling through all the keys
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family examples
Mixing in the Minor chords
The Jazz Turnaround
"Morning Has Broken" again
Yuletide Backcycling in a the C-A-G-E-D keys Starting notes
Shortcuts in terminology
The 4th of the 4th
Major 7th and Minor 7th chords
Minor keys
C Major versus A Minor
Three kinds of Minor scales
Carols in the Keys of Am, Dm, and Em
Appendix 1: Why the number "five"?
Appendix 2: Key signatures
Volume One in a nutshell
One last quiz
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume Two-The Fretboard:
Reviewing the C Major scale
Chord voicings, starting with C
Adding the 6th string
Skipping strings
Chord tone personalities
Other C-A-G-E-D chord form voicings
Worksheet for other voicings
Back to the G chord form voicings
Comparing the C and G voicings
My own E, A and D voicings
E chord form voicings
The movable E chord form
A chord form voicings
The movable A chord form
Using the E- and A-shapes together
D chord form voicings
Drop D tuning
Summarizing the E-, A- and D-shapes
Chord shapes...our story so far
Complex chord qualities
C complex chord qualities
Adding the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees
Worksheets for G, E, A and D complex chords
Weird little exercise
Chords with the same quality compared
1-4-5 complex chord progressions
The five basic chord shapes
C chord in C, A, G, E and D shapes
The entire tamale
Partial chord shapes
The other C-A-G-E-D chords
6th-string versus 5th-string roots
Bring out your capo!
Capo placement chart
Scale shapes / box patterns
C scale in C, A, G, E and D shapes
C Major scale all over the neck
Traveling from pocket to pocket
Major scales other than C (finally)
Keys of D, Eb, E, F, G, A and Bb
Chord qualities other than Major
Minor chords
Dominant 7th chords
Movable barre chords
Minor 7th chords
Minor 6th chords
Minor sus2 and sus4 chords
Walking chord progressions
Quadrads of the Harmonized Diatonic scale
Exercises and explanations
Worksheet: "Rhythm Changes"
Movable 2-5-1 progressions
Summary of Chord Family quadrads
Oddball Quadrads
Diminished 7th chords
Augmented and Augmented 7th chords
Minor-Major 7th chord
Chromatic walkdown progressions
Quadrad Extensions: 9th, 11th and 13th
C, G, E, A and D quadrad extensions
Sample chord progressions
How to put chords to a melody
"Frere Jacques"
Harmonizing by Thirds, Sixths and Tenths
Combining them in "Frere Jacques"
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume One-The Big Picture:
The First Approach
Notes and pitches
The layout of the notes
Tuning the guitar
Chords and chord quality
The Big Fifteen chords
Playing in different keys
The 1-4-5 system
C-A-G-E-D examples
Chord Families
The 1 and 5 chords
Songs in different keys
The 1, 4 and 5 chords Songs in different keys
"Silent Night" in all 5 keys
Choosing the right key
Using the capo
Quiz time for the 1-4-5's Finding the starting note
Adding the Minor chords
Songs in the Keys of G and C
"Rhythm Changes" Secondary Dominants Bunches of useful chords (A-G)
The Second Approach
The Chromatic scale
Layout on the neck
The Major scale
The Key of C
Scale degrees and other keys
The Key of G
Worksheet for Major scales
Traveling by Fifths
Major scale summary
The flat keys
The fretboard and the keyboard
Major scale exercises
Back to Chord Families
The C Harmonized Diatonic scale
Major chords versus Minor chords
Four combinations of Thirds Other
Chord Families
Worksheets for Chord Families
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family summary Example: "Morning Has Broken"
Full Chord Family summary
Transposition chart
Details of the 1-4-5 relationship
The Dominant 7th chord
Overlapping Chord Families
Chord substitutions
Triad spellings
My Bio
The Circle of Fifths
More on Secondary Dominants
Examples in the Key of C
Down by a 5th = up by a 4th
Backcycling through all the keys
C-A-G-E-D Chord Family examples
Mixing in the Minor chords
The Jazz Turnaround
"Morning Has Broken" again
Yuletide Backcycling in a the C-A-G-E-D keys Starting notes
Shortcuts in terminology
The 4th of the 4th
Major 7th and Minor 7th chords
Minor keys
C Major versus A Minor
Three kinds of Minor scales
Carols in the Keys of Am, Dm, and Em
Appendix 1: Why the number "five"?
Appendix 2: Key signatures
Volume One in a nutshell
One last quiz
Music Principles for the Skeptical Guitarist: Volume Two-The Fretboard:
Reviewing the C Major scale
Chord voicings, starting with C
Adding the 6th string
Skipping strings
Chord tone personalities
Other C-A-G-E-D chord form voicings
Worksheet for other voicings
Back to the G chord form voicings
Comparing the C and G voicings
My own E, A and D voicings
E chord form voicings
The movable E chord form
A chord form voicings
The movable A chord form
Using the E- and A-shapes together
D chord form voicings
Drop D tuning
Summarizing the E-, A- and D-shapes
Chord shapes...our story so far
Complex chord qualities
C complex chord qualities
Adding the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees
Worksheets for G, E, A and D complex chords
Weird little exercise
Chords with the same quality compared
1-4-5 complex chord progressions
The five basic chord shapes
C chord in C, A, G, E and D shapes
The entire tamale
Partial chord shapes
The other C-A-G-E-D chords
6th-string versus 5th-string roots
Bring out your capo!
Capo placement chart
Scale shapes / box patterns
C scale in C, A, G, E and D shapes
C Major scale all over the neck
Traveling from pocket to pocket
Major scales other than C (finally)
Keys of D, Eb, E, F, G, A and Bb
Chord qualities other than Major
Minor chords
Dominant 7th chords
Movable barre chords
Minor 7th chords
Minor 6th chords
Minor sus2 and sus4 chords
Walking chord progressions
Quadrads of the Harmonized Diatonic scale
Exercises and explanations
Worksheet: "Rhythm Changes"
Movable 2-5-1 progressions
Summary of Chord Family quadrads
Oddball Quadrads
Diminished 7th chords
Augmented and Augmented 7th chords
Minor-Major 7th chord
Chromatic walkdown progressions
Quadrad Extensions: 9th, 11th and 13th
C, G, E, A and D quadrad extensions
Sample chord progressions
How to put chords to a melody
"Frere Jacques"
Harmonizing by Thirds, Sixths and Tenths
Combining them in "Frere Jacques"